Effective Ways to Combat Fever Blisters


It’s an unfortunate fact that dental problems are inescapable. What makes it not that unfortunate though is the fact that these are preventable.


Among the oral problems which cannot be escaped yet controllable are the fever blisters.


Are you familiar with fever blisters? Fever blisters are itching and burning of your lip which is accompanied by small and painful bumps. Popularly known as cold sores, fever blisters are oral problems which can cause extreme side effects if left ignored or untreated. Aside from damaging your lips, fever blisters also attack the other parts of face, such as chin, nostrils and cheeks.


What causes fever blisters?


Fever blisters are a type of infection which is typically caused by a virus called herpes simplex. This specific virus is the one responsible for the presence of genital herpes. Herpes simplex virus comes with two different types: the HSV-1 and the HSV-2. The first type inflicts with oral herpes while the second is the one responsible for genital herpes. Based on analysis, the HSV-1 contains the higher percentage of infection when it comes to fever blisters. Roughly, this virus contains 95 percent – in contrast to the second one. To check for this you can contact our dental network here.


Cold sores might be just a simple bump on the lip – but unfortunately, they are contagious. With a direct contact like kissing or touching, you can be inflicted with fever blisters. Statistics show that there are over 80 percent of individuals suffering from fever blisters.


There are different warning signs of fever blisters like tingling sensation on the affected area. This corresponding sign might also be affiliated by fever, pain, swollen glands and sore throat. During the first day with fever blisters, you’ll notice only a small bump. But as second day or so comes, a cluster of small, fluid-filled blisters are starting to develop. Once the fever blisters develop completely, it’ll begin to ooze fluid then crust over your lip until a scab forms. More often than not, this condition lasts from 7 to 14 days.


Scientists said that fever blisters mostly exist when a person possesses poor immune system. Contrary, the primary factors that cause fever blisters are identified as stress, cold or flu virus and extreme exposure towards the sun. Experts also added that it takes 20 days for fever blisters to form if the patient is affected by herpes simplex virus. Fever blisters normally have worst first outbreak and once this condition is triggered, that’s where the infection starts to travel to the skin. In addition from being a contagious disease, fever blisters can also cause severe medical conditions like viral meningitis. With this, experts recommend that if one is infected with such virus, he or she must avoid touching it for it could allow the disease to spread.


When affected by fever blister, the best way to do is to contact your dentist. This can help alleviate the infection, allowing it to completely heal. Topical creams are also deemed as effective treatments for fever blister. This is essential in terms of relieving the pain.


Obviously, preventing fever blisters is possible. This can be done through avoiding stress, taking supplements or vitamins and limiting oneself from nuts and chocolates. Last of all, to avoid such problem effectively, you must be shot with fever blisters vaccine. Then again, make sure the drug is FDA-approved to avoid any future complications.