Essentials of Water Rehydration

Water is essential for almost everything in our world. It literally benefits every living thing. The plant’s surface is covered by water around 71% while the human body is made of 50-60% of water, so drinking water is beneficial for normal bodily functions like digestion regulating, body temperature, creating saliva, and whatnot. In fact, infants are wetter by 75% water, just like fish. By the time baby reaches his or her first birthday, water composition drops by 65%. With this much of water, what role does it play in our bodies? And how much do we actually need to drink in order to stay healthy? Read below.

Quality of Water to Health

Water and its roles –

  • The water, also known as H20, helps lubricate and cushion joints, regulate temperature and to nourish spinal cord and brain. Water is not only in our body. A human’s brain and heart are almost three quarter water, roughly equivalent to the amount of moisture in a banana. Lungs are more like apple at 83% of water while dry human bones are at 31%. If we are composed of water and surrounded by water, why drink much? You see, every single day in our daily lives, we lose three liters of water thru sweat, bowel movements or urine and even breathing. Since it’s our way to survival, compensating for the fluid loss appears necessary. A human body should maintain a balanced water level as it is essential to avoid dehydration or over-hydration, both of which could lead to serious and devastating effects on overall health.

How much water do we need?

  • So it was previously stated that we constantly lose water whenever we sweat, go to the bathroom and even when you breathe. So the recommended amount of water that you should be drinking daily is 125 ounces for men and 91 ounces for women.

Although it’s not a sin to have a break with water sometimes, drinking caffeine, juices, alcohol and other types of beverages should be in moderation. Keep in mind that body needs hydration only with water.

Drinking ample amount of water is a day-to-day battle to most of us. It’s one of the important responsibilities we owe to our body. Whatever amount of water we lose every day, it pays to return it back. Remember how essential water is especially in temperature and bodily functions. Fortunately, you can rehydrate your body in two ways: drinking fluids and eating foods that has water in it.

You can seek referral from emergency dentist in Chicago IL if a certain condition hinders you from taking much water. Doctors are more than welcome to answer your concerns especially when talking about water rehydration.