tooth whitening to tooth enamel

With all the methods initially detected significant brightening is again reduced under certain circumstances after a few years. In such a case, a re-bleaching treatment are made. Overall, it must be pointed out that bleaching events can trigger side effects of teeth in the form of hypersensitivity and slight reduction in surface hardness of tooth structure. In addition, mucosal irritation can be caused by the bleaching composition itself. To avoid such complications, the indication and execution of whitening treatments should remain in the hands of the dentist and the patient should be informed thoroughly about the use at home. Fluoridation of the tooth surface after completion of bleaching therapy is useful.

Is the dangerous tooth whitening to tooth enamel or gums? If so, why?
In compliance with the relevant application rules, ie in the dentist performed therapy, covering the gingival margin by rubber sleeves or insulating means no damage to the gums is to be expected. Only enhance the sensitivity of the teeth of the patient after whitening therapy may observed, which can be remedied by fluoridation. According to currently available scientific studies, no negative impact of tooth structure results if the application requirements are observed.

Tooth whiteners can damage the body itself or allergies?
Again, with due respect for the application of regulations and thorough removal of the surplus of bleaching gel No side effects are known at present. For the occurrence of allergies are also no scientific data. Nevertheless, this should always use rules or instructions are respected.

How often should you lighten up your teeth?
In the frequency of use of local Chicago teeth whitening materials use regulations must be observed. So may cause a too frequent or too intense treatment changes in tooth structure or to trigger very strong sensitivity of the teeth. So to warn against, several times a year to apply whitening methods.

Has the tooth color have something to do with dental health?
The tooth shade of a patient is something very individual and depends on the structure and function of the teeth and their environment. Here, the tooth color changes throughout life. This is caused both by natural wear and tear of the outer enamel layer as well as by strong crunch (abrasion) or acid exposure (erosion), so more strongly yellowish layers of the dentine (dentine) are visible. Tooth discoloration may be a sign of diseases of the dental hard tissue (tooth decay) and the tooth nerve. In addition, there is tooth discoloration as a result of general health disorders, hereditary predispositions, early childhood medication and an excessive fluoride intake. All these causes discolor the teeth from inside out.
There are also, of course, tooth discoloration caused by deposits on the tooth surface. This is done especially through food and beverages, but also taking medication. Overall, it can therefore be stated that the color of teeth can certainly provide guidance for diseases of the teeth and mouth.