Advantages & Risks of Dental Implants

When it comes to oral health enhancement, dental implants are among the few dental advancements sought after by most toothless patients. Besides the permanent smile it could give, dental implants are easier to deal with. They act more like natural teeth compared to dentures. Those who suffer from missing teeth problems don’t need to remove the device every night or go through adjustments and replacement.

As stated, dental implants function like natural teeth.

However, every formulated method has its corresponding pros and cons. That is why dentists keep on reminding their patients to be extra careful when dealing with artificial or false teeth. Here are the things you may run through just in case you’re having second thoughts about getting a dental implant.

Dental Implants Looking Like Natural


  1. Improved appearance. You don’t have a problem thinking of your missing teeth, dental implants can do tricks like the natural. They look and act like one.
  2. Ideal speech ability and comfort particularly when eating. Since dental implants are fused to your bones, they are permanent and easier to handle, unlike poor-fitting dentures. You can talk and eat like your sporting all-natural teeth.
  3. Oral health booster. Dental implants have tooth-supported bridge. Therefore, there’s no need to remove or reduce other natural teeth. This helps improve long-term oral health.
  4. Convenience. Because implants are permanently fused in the gums and bones, you don’t need to worry about removing those. No more denture adhesives as well.
  5. Durability and longevity. According to a knockout post bydentists, with proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime. It has 98% success rate, in comparison with dentures.


  1. Costly. Dental implants are innovatively developed by dental experts. So it’s only right and fitting that these appear costly and extremely expensive. Thus, this dental method isn’t developed for all especially to those who look for cheaper alternative.
  2. Implants are not orally insured. This means majority of dental insurance doesn’t support dental implant surgery. Some insurance provider may help cover the restoration, but there’s no way they’d cover the entire cost of the procedure. In this case, before planning to get an insurance, talk to your provider right away especially if you plan on having dental implants.
  3. Dental implants require surgery. Because they are permanently fused, it is expected that you need surgical treatment should you need to replace an implant.
  4. Bone and tooth loss risk. Every implant replacement surgery, there’s a high chance of losing the bones around implants. With this, you need to be cautious of choosing the best dentist to ensure the implants are placed on the best spot for long-term results.
  5. Longer time for recovery. Dental implants take time to heal. Before your dentist conduct implant surgery, he needs to ensure you have enough bone mass in your jaw. If not, a bone graft surgery is performed prior to implant. This situation alone makes implant surgery longer healing time.

Dental implants are very tricky and expensive. If planning to get one, be sure you talk to the right dental expert.